Parent Info
Tours & Enrolment
Enrolment at Kilparrin is available to children:
- Who are deafblind
- Who have sensory impairment (vision impairment and/or Deaf or Hard of Hearing) and additional disabilities
- Vision criteria: less than 6/60 vision, or severe field restriction
- Hearing criteria - moderate bilateral hearing loss of 40dB or greater in the better ear
This must be verified by The Department for Education.
Enrolment Process
Enrolment is negotiated with the Kilparrin Principal and The Department for Education Special Educator.
Parents of potential students who meet the criteria for placement at Kilparrin are invited to attend a meeting and school tour with the Kilparrin Principal.
This option usually arises out of One Child One Plan (OCOP) meeting at the neighbourhood preschool or school in consultation with The Department for Education Special Educator.
Following an offer of placement, parents are provided with an enrolment package.
Please follow the link below for more information: