Teaching & Learning
The Australian Curriculum sets out the core knowledge, understanding, skills and general capabilities important for all Australian students. Individuals with sensory impairment require explicit teaching of specific skills from the Expanded Core Curriculum (ECC) which forms a major part of the curriculum at Kilparrin.
“The Australian Curriculum is based on the assumptions that each student can learn and the needs of every student are important. It enables high expectations to be set for each student as teachers account for the current levels of learning of individual students and the different rates at which students develop.”
All students at Kilparrin have a One Child One Plan (OCOP) document that describes the adaptations and accommodations for individual students. The purpose of the OCOP is to support access, participation, and achievement in the mandated curriculum.
From Foundation to Year 10, students access the Australian Curriculum learning areas alongside the general capabilities and cross-curriculum priorities. Content is taken from the different learning areas and is delivered based on the individual learning needs of students. Learning areas include:
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS)
- The Arts
- Technologies
- Health and PE (HPE)
Students at Kilparrin participate in modified SACE from Year 10-12.
For more information, refer to: