Assessment & Reporting
The assessment process enables all relevant information concerning the student to be used to develop an accurate description of the student’s skills, abilities and interests, to identify valued outcomes and to support the planning of an appropriate educational program for each student.
Assessment is a continuous activity and forms an integral part of the ongoing educational program at Kilparrin. Written reports include an expansion and discussion of the information gathered through the assessment process and may include direct observations, completed checklists and anecdotal information.
One Child One Plan
All students enrolled at Kilparrin are identified under the Students with Disabilities Policy (revised May 2006) and are required to have a One Child One Plan (OCOP) document.
Further information on the Once Child One Plan can be found in the link below:
Fact sheet - One Plan - Information for parents
Reporting Cycle for Enrolled Students
Term 1: A meeting is held between the class teacher and families/carers to confirm the student’s individual goals and the class objectives for the year. Specific goals are agreed and strengths, accommodations and teaching strategies are documented.
Agreed goals and accommodations are incorporated into the OCOP document.
Term 2: Written and illustrated reports in the form of portfolios are prepared by teachers and are sent home in Week 10 and then returned to the school at the beginning of Term 3.
Term 3: OCOP review meetings are held with the class teacher, families/carers and other relevant personnel to discuss the student’s progress and to report on any assessment undertaken. The meetings are chaired by the principal.
Term 4: Portfolios are completed for the year and sent home during the last week. The portfolio includes certificates of achievement and a written and illustrated report of progress against agreed goals.
Refer to the following Kilparrin Policy documents for more information: